Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

    Farshad Mansouri

  • Senior Lecturer
  • Farshad Mansouri
  • Department of Physiology
  • http://www.med.monash.edu.au/physiology/staff/staff-academic...
  • Monash University
  • Level 7/ 30 Collins St
    Melbourne Victoria 3800
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Farshad Mansouri joined the Physiology Department in October 2012. He is establishing a cognitive neuroscience laboratory to continue and expand his previous studies on the structure and function of prefrontal cortex. Understanding the functional roles of prefrontal cortex in executive functions and cognitive flexibility is important, not only because it addresses the neural bases of some of the most advanced functions of the brain, but also for its possible clinical applications in the diagnosis, rehabilitation and assisting millions of people who are afflicted by brain damage, mental disease, obesity or drug addiction

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