Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

    Yoko Yoshida

  • Assistant Professor
  • Yoko Yoshida
  • Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology
  • http://sociologyandsocialanthropology.dal.ca/
  • Dalhousie University
  • 6135 University Ave, Rm 1128
    Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4P9
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Yoko Yoshida is a sociologist whose research interests include applied social statistics in the areas of socio-economic inequality, inequality in health, and integration processes of immigrants. In recent years, Dr. Yoshida has collaborated with other scholars to look at non-monetary contributions of family-class immigrants and inequality of heath and access to health care. She is currently working on a SSHRC-funded project, 'How Well Do Immigrants Integrate into Canada?', exploring a new approach to describing patterns of integration. She has supervised graduate students who explore a wide range of sociological interests, such as sports and class, health care, social stratification, and the measurement of religiosity. She is the Co-Academic Director of the Atlantic Research Data Centre (ARDC), Halifax, Canada

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