Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

    Martha Radice

  • Assistant Professor
  • Martha Radice
  • Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology
  • http://sociologyandsocialanthropology.dal.ca/
  • Dalhousie University
  • 6135 University Ave, Rm 1128
    Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4P9
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Martha Radice is a social anthropologist whose work focuses on the social, spatial and cultural dynamics of cities. She has investigated social relations, especially interethnic relations, and the production of space in multiethnic commercial streets in MontrĂ©al. Her ongoing areas of interest are urban anthropology, public space and public art, multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism, and ethnographic methods. She is also involved in applied research, having evaluated social inclusion in high schools and police-community relations in the UK, and now looking at public libraries as public space in Canada

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