I have worked in a variety of areas recently with policy implications. Work on the saving behavior of individuals over the life cycle has resulted in papers in the European Economic Review (2001) and Economica (2002); on alcohol taxation in the Journal of Public Economics (1993); on tobacco in Canadian Public Policy (1998), the Berkeley Electronic Press (2004) and the Journal of Health Economics (2009); on deadweight loss measurement in the American Economic Review (1998) and on housing demand in the Journal of Urban Economics (1996).
My current work is primarily on tobacco-related issues and the development of the legal cannabis market. In tobacco I have completed papers on the impact of workplace smoking bans on smoking and the impact of graphic health warnings (on cigarette packages) upon smoking rates; in cannabis I am researching the impact of legalization on tax revenue from sin goods; in the field of vaping I am exploring the relationship between vaping and traditional nicotine delivery products. My immediate past interest has been in the laws and regulations surrounding electric vehicles and how this framework impacts the adoption of electric vehicles.