Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

7386 members found

Bam Dev Sharda, Professor
University of Utah
Department of Sociology

Patrick Sharkey, Professor
Princeton University
Department of Sociology

Isha Sharma, Professor
Mount Royal University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Sharan Sharma, Research Assistant Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Department of Sociology

Ofer Sharone, Associate Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Sociology

Gregory Sharp, Assistant Professor
Dartmouth College
Department of Sociology

Susan F. Sharp, Professor
University of Oklahoma
Department of Sociology

Yossi Shavit, Professor
Tel Aviv University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Jennifer Shaw, Lecturer
Thompson Rivers University
Department of Sociology

Rebecca Sheehan, Lecturer
Macquarie University
Department of Sociology

Elisabeth Sheff, Assistant Professor
Georgia State University
Department of Sociology

Elisabeth Sheff-Stefanik, Lecturer
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Geography

Jon Shefner, Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Department of Sociology

Constance L. Shehan, Professor
University of Florida
Department of Sociology

Christine Sheikh, Assistant Professor
University of Denver
Department of Sociology and Criminology


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