Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

7386 members found

Dialika Sall, Assistant Professor
CUNY Lehman College
Department of Sociology

LEYLA SALL, Professor
Université de Moncton
Department of Sociology

Nicolas Sallée, Assistant Professor
Universite de Montreal
Department of Sociology

Katya Salmi, Professor
Montgomery College (Takoma Park Campus)
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice

Michael Saltman, Emeritus Professor
University of Haifa
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Stephen Saltzburg, Adjunct Lecturer
George Washington University
Department of Sociology

Cynthia Saltzman, Adjunct Professor
Rutgers University at Camden
School of Social Sciences

Leslie Salzinger, Assistant Professor
University of Chicago
Department of Sociology

Leslie Salzinger, Associate Professor
Boston College
Department of Sociology

Joel Samaha, Professor
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Department of Sociology

Mario Samedy, Adjunct Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Hogan Samels, Instructor
Montgomery College (Takoma Park Campus)
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice

Clare Sammells, Associate Professor
Bucknell University
Department of Sociology & Anthropology

Michael Sampson, Senior Lecturer
Curry College
Department of Criminal Justice and Sociology

Robert J. Sampson, Professor
Harvard University
Department of Sociology


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