Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

7386 members found

Katarzyna Polanska, Adjunct Instructor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Sociology, Criminology & Criminal Justice

George Pollard, Professor
Carleton University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Josh Pollock, Assistant Professor
Kent State University
Department of Sociology

Marla Pollock, Instructor
Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis
Department of Sociology

Ariany Polo, Professor
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Department of Sociology

Karen Polonko, Professor
Old Dominion University
Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice

Claire Polster, Professor
University of Regina
Department of Sociology and Social Studies

Henry Pontell, Professor
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Department of Sociology

Heidi Pontes, Instructor
Stonehill College
Department of Sociology

William S. Pooler, Associate Professor
Syracuse University
Department of Sociology

Nancy Poon, Lecturer
University of Saskatchewan
Department of Sociology

Adrian Popan, I
Texas Tech University
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, & Social Work

Whitney Pope, Emeritus Professor
Indiana University, Bloomington
Department of Sociology

Pamela Popielarz, Associate Professor
University of Illinois, Chicago
Department of Sociology

Apollonya Porcelli, Assistant Professor
Bucknell University
Department of Sociology & Anthropology


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