Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

7386 members found

Yung-Yi Diana Pan, Associate Professor
Brooklyn College
Department of Sociology

Steven Panageotou, Assistant Professor
Arkansas State University
Department of Criminology, Sociology, & Geography

Wilasinee Pananakhonsab, Lecturer
Thammasat University
Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology

Sivamurugan Pandian , Associate Professor
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Department of Anthropology and Sociology

Alula Pankhurst, Associate Professor
Addis Ababa University
Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology

Curtis Pankratz, Instructor I
University of Winnipeg
Department of Sociology

Anthony J Papa, Lecturer
Sacred Heart University
Department of Sociology, Criminology & Criminal Justice

Andrew Papachristos, Assistant Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Sociology

Diana Papademas, Associate Professor
State University of New York College at Old Westbury
Department of Sociology

Chris Papaleonardos, Senior Lecturer
Ohio State University
Department of Sociology

Pelagia Papazahariou, Adjunct Lecturer
Hunter College
Department of Sociology

Allan Pappas, Assistant Professor
Salisbury University
School of Social Sciences

Stéphane Paquin, Lecturer
Universite de Montreal
Department of Sociology

Frédéric Parent, Professor
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Sociology

Arthur E. Paris, Associate Professor
Syracuse University
Department of Sociology


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