Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

7386 members found

Naoko Oyabu-Mathis, Adjunct Professor
University of Akron
Department of Sociology

Oyeronke Oyewumi, Associate Professor
State University of New York, Stony Brook
Department of Sociology

Daphna Oyserman, Adjunct Professor
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Department of Sociology

Hiroaki Ozawa, Professor
Toyo University
Department of Sociology

Gülden Özcan, Assistant Professor
University of Lethbridge
Department of Sociology

Burcu Ozdemir Demir, Professor
CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College
Department of Sociology And Anthropology

Cassandra Ozog, Lecturer
University of Regina
Department of Sociology and Social Studies

Rourke O’Brien, Associate Professor
Yale University
Department of Sociology

Pat O’Malley, Adjunct Professor
Carleton University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Richard B. Pace, Associate Professor
Middle Tennessee State University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Stéphanie Pache, Professor
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Sociology

Mark C. Pachucki, Associate Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Sociology

Diane Pacom, Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Frank Page, Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of Utah
Department of Sociology

John Bryan Page, Adjunct Faculty
University of Miami
Department of Sociology


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