Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

7386 members found

Marc Musick, Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Austin
Department of Sociology

Marcello Musto, Professor
York University
Department of Sociology

STEPHEN MUZZATTI, Associate Professor
Ryerson University
Department of Sociology

Kristen Myers, Associate Professor
Northern Illinois University
Department of Sociology

Monika Myers, Assistant Professor
Arkansas State University
Department of Criminology, Sociology, & Geography

Scott Myers, Associate Professor
Montana State University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Eric Mykhalovskiy, Professor
York University
Department of Sociology

Laryssa Mykyta, Adjunct Lecturer
George Washington University
Department of Sociology

Chava Frankfort Nachmias, Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Department of Sociology

Martin Nadeau, Lecturer
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Sociology

Shehzad Nadeem, Associate Professor
CUNY Lehman College
Department of Sociology

ELIAS NADER, Assistant Professor
Kent State University
Department of Sociology

Sara Naderi, Instructor
University of Victoria
Department of sociology

Yoshikazu Nagai, Professor
Kansai University
Department of Sociology

Richard H. Nagasawa, Professor
Arkansas State University, Beebe
Department of Sociology


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