Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

7386 members found

LAURIE MULVEY, Associate Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of Sociology

Parthiban Muniandy, Professor
Sarah Lawrence College
Department of Sociology

Paul Munroe, Associate Professor
Towson University
Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice

Christin Munsch, Associate Professor
University of Connecticut
Department of Sociology

Naoko Muramatsu, Associate Professor
University of Illinois, Chicago
Department of Sociology

Yumiko Murao, Associate Professor
Toyo University
Department of Sociology

Yoichi Murase, Professor
Rikkyo University
College of Sociology

Carmela Murdocca, Associate Professor
York University
Department of Sociology

Steve Murdock, Professor
Texas A&M University - College Station
Department of Sociology

Steve H. Murdock, Professor
Rice University
Department of Sociology

Edward Murguia, Associate Professor
Texas A&M University - College Station
Department of Sociology

Angela Murolo, Associate Lecturer
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Department of Sociology

Annalyssa Gypsy Murphy, Instructor
Montserrat College of Art (MA)
Liberal Arts

Christopher Murphy, Professor
Dalhousie University
Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology

John Murphy, Professor
University of Miami
Department of Sociology


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