Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

7386 members found

P Mufune, Professor
University of Namibia

Bahiyyah Muhammad, Assistant Professor
Howard University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Ray Muhammad, Professor
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Department of Sociology

Toni Muhammad, Assistant Professor
University of Louisiana, Lafayette
Department of Sociology & Anthropology

Gokhan Mulayim, Adjunct Lecturer
Boston University
Department of Sociology

Mark Mulder, Professor
Calvin College
Department of Sociology

Nick Mule, Professor
York University
School of Social Work

Monique Mulholland, Senior Lecturer
Flinders University
Department of Social Sciences

Brendan Mullan, Associate Professor
Michigan State University
Department of Sociology

Chandra Muller, Associate Professor
University of Texas at Austin
Department of Sociology

Christopher Muller, Professor
Harvard University
Department of Sociology

Megan Muller, Adjunct Instructor
Carleton University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Reto Muller, Professor
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
Department of Sociology, Social Work, & Criminal Justice

Linda Mulligan, Emeritus Associate Professor
Ohio State University
Department of Sociology

Jeff Mullis, Professor
Emory University
Department of Sociology


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