Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

7386 members found

David Mayeda, Lecturer
University of Auckland
Department of Sociology

Brian Mayer, Assistant Professor
University of Florida
Department of Sociology

Thomas F. Mayer, Professor
University of Colorado at Boulder
Department of Sociology

Douglas Maynard, Professor
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department of Sociology

Sam Maynard, Adjunct Professor
Monmouth University
Department of Political Science and Sociology

Sarah Maynard, Associate Professor
Saint Anselm College
Department of Sociology & Social Work

Sarah Mayorga, Associate Professor
Brandeis University
Department of Sociology

Damon Mayrl, Associate Professor
Colby College
Department of Sociology

William W. Mayrl, Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Department of Sociology

Kristen Maziarka, Assistant Professor
Hofstra University
Department of Sociology

Doug McAdam, Professor
Stanford University
Department of Sociology

Denise Davenporte McAdory, Assistant Professor
University of South Alabama
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Christopher McAll, Professor
Universite de Montreal
Department of Sociology

BUNNY McBRIDE, Adjunct Lecturer
Kansas State University
Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work

Brian J McCabe, Associate Professor
Georgetown University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology


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