Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

7386 members found

Noah Lewin-Epstein, Professor
Tel Aviv University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Amanda E. Lewis, Associate Professor
Emory University
Department of Sociology

David Lewis, Professor
Frostburg State University
Department of Political Science

Dillonna Lewis, Adjunct Lecturer
Hunter College
Department of Sociology

Linden Lewis, Emeritus Professor
Bucknell University
Department of Sociology & Anthropology

NANCY L. LEWIS, Professor
State University of New York College at Potsdam
Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice

Richard Lewis, Associate Professor
University of Texas, San Antonio
Department of Sociology

Robert Lewis, Professor
Albany State University
Department of Criminal Justice, Psychology, and Sociology

Tracey Lewis-Elligan, Assistant Professor
DePaul University
Department of Sociology

Eva Xiaoling Li, Xiaoling.li@usask.ca
University of Saskatchewan
Department of Sociology

Grace Li, Instructor
University of Victoria
Department of sociology

Jieli Li, Associate Professor
Ohio University
Department of Sociology & Anthropology

Peter Li, Professor
University of Saskatchewan
Department of Sociology

Rebecca Li, Associate Professor
College of New Jersey
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Wei Li, Associate Professor
Frostburg State University
Department of Sociology


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