Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

7386 members found

Premalatha Karupiah , Senior Lecturer
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Department of Anthropology and Sociology

Anas Karzai, Lecturer
Laurentian University
Department of Sociology

John Kasarda, Professor
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Department of Sociology

Naoki KASHIO, Associate Professor
Keio University
Department of Sociology

Shinji Katagiri, Professor
Kansai University
Department of Sociology

Heijiro KATAKAMI, Associate Professor
Rikkyo University
College of Sociology

Yuki Kato, Assistant Professor
Georgetown University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Texas Christian University
Department of Sociology, Criminal Justice, and Anthropology

Nicolas Katsimpras, Professor
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Department of Sociology

JACK KATZ, Professor
University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Sociology

Janet Katz, Associate Professor
Old Dominion University
Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice

Jill Katz, Professor
Yeshiva University
Department of Sociology

Kara Katz, Associate Lecturer
Curry College
Department of Criminal Justice and Sociology

Nathan Katz, Visiting Lecturer
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Sociology

Barbara Katz Rothman, Professor
CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College
Department of Sociology And Anthropology


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