Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

7386 members found

Donald S. Grant, Associate Professor
University of Arizona
Department of Sociology

Geoffrey W. Grant, Professor
South Dakota State University
Department of Sociology

Linda Grant, Professor
University of Georgia
Department of Sociology

Ruby Grant, Lecturer
University of Tasmania
School of Sociology & Social Work

Scott M. Grant, Adjunct Instructor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Sociology, Criminology & Criminal Justice

Robert Grantham, Professor
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Department of Sociology

Donna Lee Granville, Assistant Professor
Brooklyn College
Department of Sociology

Kara Granzow, Assistant Professor
University of Lethbridge
Department of Sociology

Sherri Grasmuck, Professor
Temple University
Department of Sociology

Ryken Grattet, Associate Professor
University of California, Davis
Department of Sociology

Anne L. Grauer, Associate Professor
Loyola University, Chicago
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

William L. Graves, Adjunct Faculty
Emory University
Department of Sociology

Charles Gray, Lecturer
Old Dominion University
Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice

David Gray, Lecturer
The University of New England
Discipline of Sociology

Paul Gray, Associate Professor
Boston College
Department of Sociology


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