Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

10373 members found

Jennifer Portz, Assistant Professor
Colorado State University
School of Social Work

Elizabeth Post, Instructor
Ferris State University
Department of Social Work

Briana Postle, Lecturer
State University of New York College at Fredonia
Department of Social Work

Ariana Postlethwait, Associate Professor
Middle Tennessee State University
Department of Social Work

Judy L. Postmus, Professor
University of Maryland, Baltimore
School of Social Work

Elissa Pototsky, Adjunct Professor
Bridgewater State University
School of Social Work

Cathryn C. Potter
Rutgers University
School of Social Work

Joshua Potter-Efron, Instructor
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Department of Social Work

Kathleen J. Pottick, Professor
Rutgers University
School of Social Work

Ashley Potts, Instructor
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Department of Social Work

Edward Potts, Assistant Professor
University of Illinois, Chicago
Jane Addams College of Social Work

Marilyn K. Potts, Professor
California State University, Long Beach
Department of Social Work

Suzanne Potts, Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Austin
School of Social Work

Sophie Potvin, Lecturer
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Department of Social work

James Poulin, Instructor
Mercy College
Department of Social Sciences


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