Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

10374 members found

Samantha Overton
University of South Carolina
College of Social Work

Rosaleen Ow, Lecturer
National University of Singapore
Department of Social Work

Ashley Owen, Adjunct Lecturer
CUNY College of Staten Island
Department of Social Work

Janice Owen, Assistant Professor
Our Lady of the Lake University
Department of Social Work

Perry Haynes Owen, Instructor
Winthrop University
Department of Social Work

Sheila A. Owen, Adjunct Professor
Southern Connecticut State University
Department of Social Work

Allessia P. Owens, Assistant Professor
Salisbury University
Department of Social Work

Craig Owens, Assistant Professor
University of New England
Department of Social Work

Jennifer Owens, Lecturer
University of Louisville
Kent School of Social Work

Larry W. Owens, Associate Professor
Western Kentucky University
Department of Social Work

Yatiel Owens, Lecturer
Humboldt State University
Department of Social Work

Sandra Owens-Kane, Associate Professor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
School of Social Work

Monica Oxford, Research Assistant Professor
University of Washington
School of Social Work

Reiko Ozaki, Assistant Professor
Northern Kentucky University
Department of Counseling, Social Work and Leadership

Denalee M. O’Malley, Adjunct Professor
Rutgers University
School of Social Work


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