Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

10374 members found

Joy McClellan
Florida Atlantic University
School of Social Work

Bob McClelland, Professor Emeritus
University of Calgary
Faculty of Social Work

JENNIFER MCCLENDON, Assistant Professor
University of Nevada, Reno
School of Social Work

Keshawn McCleod, Instructor
Shaw University
Department of Social Work

Coker College
Department of Social Work

Ann McClintick, Adjunct Instructor
Missouri Western State University
Department of Criminal Justice, Legal Studies & Social Work

Angela McClintock, Adjunct Professor
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Department of Anthropology and Social Work

Marta McClintock-Comeaux, Professor
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Department of Social Work

David McClung, Adjunct Professor
Baylor University
School of Social Work

Robert McClure, Adjunct Professor
Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis
School of Social Work

Laverne McCombs, Lecturer
University of Michigan, Flint
Department of Social Work

Martha McCormack, Adjunct Instructor
Portland State University
School of Social Work

Kathryn McCormic, Visiting Instructor
Florida Atlantic University
School of Social Work

Adam G. McCormick, Assistant Professor
Saint Edward's University
Department of Social Work

Mary McCormick, Adjunct Instructor
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Department of Social Work


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