Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

10374 members found

Robert C. Marmo, Adjunct Professor
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Department of Social Work

Suzanne Marmo, Assistant Professor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Social Work

Suzanne Marmo-Roman, Associate Professor
Fairfield University
Department of Social Sciences

Mark Marquez, Assistant Professor
Fayetteville State University
Department of Social Work

Boston University
School of Social Work

Milagros Marrero-Johnson
University of Connecticut
School of Social Work

Whitney Marris, Adjunct Instructor
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
School of Social Work

Catherine L. Marrs Fuchsel,, Associate Professor
St. Catherine University
Department of Social Work

Malikah Marrus, Assistant Professor
Hood College
Department of Social Work

CHRISTINA MARSACK, Assistant Professor
Eastern Michigan University
Department of Social Work

Kristen Marsar-Perez, Adjunct Instructor
Marywood University
Department of Social Work

TRACY MARSCHALL, Associate Professor
University of Indianapolis
Department of Social Work

Deb Marseline, Instructor
Kansas State University
Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work

Jennie Marsh
University of Kansas
Department of Social Work

Ernest Marshall, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Wisconsin, Madison
School of Social Work


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