Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

10374 members found

John Luk, Lecturer
University of Texas at Austin
School of Social Work

Ellen P. Lukens, Associate Professor
Columbia University
School of Social Work

Jonathan Lukens, Assistant Professor
Salem State University
Department of Social Work

Charlene Luma, Professor
Boston College
Graduate School of Social Work

Tiffany Lumpkin, Adjunct Instructor
Simmons University
Department of Social Work

Tiffany Lumpkin, Instructor
University of Central Florida
School of Social Work

Naelys Luna, Professor
Florida Atlantic University
School of Social Work

Carley Lund
Baylor University
School of Social Work

Stephan Lund, Lecturer
University of Western Australia
Discipline of Social Work and Social Policy

Brad Lundahl, Assistant Professor
University of Utah
College of Social Work

Jennifer Lunden, Adjunct Instructor
Simmons University
Department of Social Work

Karin Lunden, Lecturer
Goteborg University
Department of Social Work

Lena M. Lundgren, Associate Professor
Boston University
School of Social Work

Melissa Lundquist, Assistant Professor
St. Catherine University
Department of Social Work

Colleen Lundy, Professor Emeritus
Carleton University
School of Social Work


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