Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

10374 members found

Brianna Lemmons, Assistant Professor
Baylor University
School of Social Work

Brianna P. Lemmons, Assistant Professor
California State University, Los Angeles
Department of Social Work

Kathy Lemon, Associate Professor
San Jose State University
Department of Social Work

Gary Lemons, Instructor
Northern Arizona University
Department of Sociology & Social Work

Irwin Lenefsky, Adjunct Professor
Long Island University
Department of Social Work

Kelly Lennon, Adjunct Lecturer
Hunter College
School of Social Work

Robin Lennon-Dearing, Associate Professor
University of Memphis
Department of Social Work

Annick Lenoir, Professor
Universite de Sherbrooke
Department of Social Work

Vicki Lens, Assistant Professor
Columbia University
School of Social Work

Jan Lentz, Adjunct Professor
Angelo State University
Department of Social Work

Sonja Lenz-Rashid, Associate Professor
San Francisco State University
Department of Social Work

Ana Leon, Professor
University of Central Florida
School of Social Work

Joanne Leon
Central Connecticut State University
Department of Social Work

Mirta Paola Leon, Assistant Professor
Grand Valley State University
School of Social Work

Jennifer Braga Leonardo, Lecturer
Regis College
Department of Social Work


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