Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

10374 members found

Karen HETHERINGTON, Lecturer
Universite de Montreal
School of Social Work

Kate van Heugten, Lecturer
University of Canterbury
School of Social Work and Human Services

Leigh Ann Hewes, Lecturer
Troy University
Department of Social Work

Amber Hewitt, Adjunct Instructor
Simmons University
Department of Social Work

Jennifer Hewson, Associate Professor
University of Calgary
Faculty of Social Work

Margo J. Heydt, Associate Professor
Xavier University
Department of Social Work

Jemere Heyward, Adjunct Professor
Long Island University
Department of Social Work

Christy Hickman, Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
College of Social Work

Marlene Hickman, Adjunct Professor
Long Island University
Department of Social Work

Robyn Hicks, Professor
Baylor University
School of Social Work

Stephanie Hicks, Associate Professor
Austin Peay State University
Department of Social Work

Tamara Hicks, Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Maryland, Baltimore
School of Social Work

Diane Hiebert-Murphy, Associate Professor
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Social Work

Doreen Higgins, Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin, Green Bay
Department of Social Work

Maree Higgins, Senior Lecturer
University of New South Wales
School of Social Work


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