Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

10374 members found

Kathleen Darby, Professor
Middle Tennessee State University
Department of Social Work

Ellen Darden, Professor
Concord University
Department of Social Work

Boston University
School of Social Work

Yvonne Darlington, Senior Lecturer
University of Queensland
School of Social Work

MEGHANN DARNE, Adjunct Instructor
Portland State University
School of Social Work

Lori Darnel, Lecturer
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Social Work

Christy Daron, Lecturer
Ohio State University
Department of Social Work

Nana Daronatsy, Assistant Professor
Auburn University
Department of Social Work

Linda Darrell, Professor
Morgan State University
School of Social Work

Patrick V. Dattalo, Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University
School of Social Work

Lina Dattolo, Adjunct Instructor
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
Department of Social Work

Kim Daugherty, Adjunct Professor
University of Memphis
Department of Social Work

Morgan Daugherty, Clinical Instructor
Saint Francis University
Department of Social Work

Laura Daughtery, Associate Professor
The Catholic University of America
School of Social Service

Morgan State University
School of Social Work


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