Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

5571 members found

Richard Wolff, Assistant Professor
The New School
Department of International Affairs

Nicholas H. Wolfinger, Assistant Professor
University of Utah
Department of Family & Consumer Studies

Irene Wong, Professor
University of Pennsylvania
School of Social Policy & Practice

Joanne Wong, Assistant Professor
University of Central Oklahoma
Department of Human Environmental Sciences

M. Caroline Wong, Lecturer
University of Pennsylvania
School of Social Policy & Practice

Maria Wong
Endicott College
School of Social Sciences, Communication & Humanities

Theodore Wong, Lecturer
University of Pennsylvania
School of Social Policy & Practice

Barbara Wood, Lecturer
The University of Queensland
School of Social Science

DARROW WOOD, Emeritus Professor
New York City College of Technology
Department of Library

Michael Wood, Senior Lecturer
James Cook University
School of Arts & Social Sciences

Ashley Woodard, Instructor
Southeastern Louisiana University
Department of Health and Human Sciences

Joshua Woodaz, Instructor
United States Military Academy
Department of Social Sciences

Ken Wooden, Lecturer
University of Western Sydney
School of Social Sciences

Dan Woodman, Professor
University of Melbourne
School of Social and Political Sciences

Douglas Woods, Professor Emeritus
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Department of Social Science & Policy Studies


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