Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

5571 members found

Regina Werum, Associate Professor
Emory University
Department of Sociology

Del Wesley, Adjunct Professor
Lancaster Bible College
Department of Church & Ministry

Doe West, Adjunct Professor
Bay Path College
Department of Social Sciences

Millicent West, Professor
Paine College
Department of Social Sciences

Paige West, Professor
The University of Queensland
School of Social Science

Jane Weyant, Assistant Professor
Bay Path College
Department of Social Sciences

Rehia Whaanga, Lecturer
Eastern Institute of Technology, Hawke's Bay
Department of Social Sciences

Jeni Whalan, Lecturer
Australian Defence Force Academy at UNSW
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Juanita Wheeler, Adjunct Lecturer
The University of Queensland
School of Social Science

Andrew Whelan, Lecturer
University of Wollongong
School of Social Sciences, Media and Communications

Daphne Williams Whitaker, Instructor
LeMoyne-Owen College
Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences

David White, Adjunct Professor
Champlain College
School of Social Innovation

Douglas White
University of California, Irvine
Department of Anthropology

Gregory White, Professor
Smith College
Department of Government

Hugh White, Emeritus Professor
Australian National University
Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs


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