Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

5571 members found

Rajeev Raizada, Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of Rochester
Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences

ENAYAT RAJABI, Adjunct Professor
Dalhousie University
School of Information Management

Indhu Rajagopal, Associate Professor
York University
Division of Social Science

Tuinawi Rakuita, Lecturer
University of the South Pacific
School of Social Sciences

Mark Rallings, Adjunct Professor
The University of Queensland
School of Social Science

Sunder Ramaswamy, Distinguished Professor
Middlebury College
Department of Graduate School of International Policy and Management

Shakuntala Ramdas, Assistant Professor
Mercy College
Department of Social Sciences

Hari Ramesh, Assistant Professor
Wesleyan University
Department of Government

Noel B. Ramirez, Lecturer
University of Pennsylvania
School of Social Policy & Practice

Joshua Ramisch, Associate Professor
University of Ottawa
School of International Development and Global Studies

Smita Ramnarain, Lecturer
The New School
Schools of Public Engagement

Karl Ramos
The New School
Schools of Public Engagement

Marlene Ramos, Lecturer
The New School
Schools of Public Engagement

Colin Ramsay, Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Department of Actuarial Science

Reuben Ramsey, Lecturer
University of Newcastle, Australia
School of Humanities and Social Science


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