Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

5571 members found

Naomi Priest, Professor
Australian National University
Centre for Social Research and Methods

Marty Prince, Adjunct Professor
Stephen F. Austin State University
Department of Human Sciences

NANDI PRINCE, Assistant Professor
New York City College of Technology
Department of Library

Helen Pringle, Senior Lecturer
Australian Defence Force Academy at UNSW
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Salvatore Prisco, Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Erin Pritchard, Senior Lecturer
Liverpool Hope University
Department of Disability Studies

Coralie Properjohn, Lecturer
University of Newcastle, Australia
School of Humanities and Social Science

Kayti Protos, Assistant Professor
Moravian College
Department of Social Sciences

Karene Proulx-Boucher, Lecturer
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Sexology

JEANNE PROUST, Adjunct Assistant Professor
New York City College of Technology
Department of Social Science

Ysabel Provencher, Professor
Laval University
Department of Social Service

Julien Prud'homme, Professor
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Department of Social Science

Jill Pruett, Instructor
Stephen F. Austin State University
Department of Human Sciences

Lesley Pruitt Wolf, Senior Lecturer
University of Melbourne
School of Social and Political Sciences

Deanna Pucciarelli, Lecturer
The New School
Schools of Public Engagement


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