Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

5571 members found

Robert Mackie, Lecturer
University of Newcastle, Australia
School of Humanities and Social Science

Kate Mackness, Lecturer
University of Waikato
Department of Geography, Tourism & Environmental Planning

Chuck MacLean, Professor
Metropolitan State University
School of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice

Hilda Maclean, Research Assistant Professor
The University of Queensland
School of Social Science

Ken MacLean, Professor
Clark University
Department of Sustainability and Social Justice

Michael MacLellan, Assistant Professor
University of Prince Edward Island
Department of Applied Human Sciences

Carol A. MacLennan, Associate Professor
Michigan Technological University
Department of Social Sciences

Thalia MacMillan, Professor
Empire State College
Department of Health & Human Services

Timothy MacNeill, Associate Professor
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

Azhar Bin Mad Aros, Lecturer
University of Malaya
Department of History

Kathleen Madara, Assistant Professor
Moravian College
Department of Social Sciences

Lawrence Madden, Adjunct Professor
Bay Path College
Department of Social Sciences

Lisa Madden, Senior Lecturer
University of the South Pacific
School of Social Sciences

Sarah Maddison, Associate Professor
Australian Defence Force Academy at UNSW
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Rama Chandran Madhu, Lecturer
The New School
Schools of Public Engagement


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