Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

5571 members found

DESPINA LALAKI, Adjunct Associate Professor
New York City College of Technology
Department of Social Science

Danièle Laliberté, Lecturer
Universite de Montreal
Department of Demography

Kristine LaLonde, Adjunct Professor
Lipscomb University
School of Public Policy

RIRATOU LAMARRE, Adjunct Assistant Professor
New York City College of Technology
Department of Social Science

Andrew Lamas, Lecturer
University of Pennsylvania
School of Social Policy & Practice

Michael Lambek, Professor
University of Toronto-Scarborough
Department of Social Sciences

Anthony Lambert, Lecturer
Macquarie University
Department of Critical and Cultural Studies

Ariana Lambrides, Lecturer
The University of Queensland
School of Social Science

DAVID LAMOUREUX, Adjunct Lecturer
New York City College of Technology
Department of Social Science

David Lamoureux, Assistant Professor
The New School
Department of International Affairs

Mark Lanaghan, Lecturer
The New School
Schools of Public Engagement

Erika Land, Adjunct Professor
Eastern University
Department of Social Transformation

Aviv Y. Landau, Research Assistant Professor
University of Pennsylvania
School of Social Policy & Practice

Joanne Landers, Adjunct Professor
Bay Path College
Department of Social Sciences

Jane Landman, Lecturer
Victoria University
School of Social Sciences


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