Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

5571 members found

Haruyasu KATO, Professor
Rikkyo University
College of Community and Human Services

Ethan Katsh, Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Legal Studies

Emma Katz, Senior Lecturer
Liverpool Hope University
Department of Childhood & Youth Studies

Ken Katz, Adjunct Professor
Bay Path College
Department of Social Sciences

Anthony Kaufman, Assistant Professor
The New School
Schools of Public Engagement

Cathy Kaufman, Assistant Professor
The New School
Schools of Public Engagement

Heather Kavan, Lecturer
Massey University
Department of Communication and Journalism

Zdenek Kavan, Lecturer
University of Sussex
Department of International Relations

Paul Kavanagh, Lecturer
University of Newcastle, Australia
School of Humanities and Social Science

Keiko Kawahara, Professor
Toyo University
Department of Social Welfare

Takako Kawai, Professor
Momoyama Gakuin University
Department of Social Welfare

Toru Kawamoto, Associate Professor
Nagoya City University
Department of International Cultural Studies

Andrea Kay, Visiting Professor
The University of Queensland
School of Social Science

Dan Kayama, Professor
Toyo University
Department of Social Welfare

Kiran KC, Lecturer
The University of Queensland
School of Social Science


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