Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

5571 members found

Michelle Hunt, Lecturer
Federation University
School of Behavioural and Social Sciences and Humanities

Boyd Hunter, Emeritus Professor
Australian National University
Centre for Social Research and Methods

Mark Hunter, Assistant Professor
University of Toronto-Scarborough
Department of Social Sciences

Lisa Hunter-Mason, Adjunct Professor
Bay Path College
Department of Social Sciences

Kate Huppatz, Lecturer
University of Western Sydney
School of Social Sciences

Ryan Hurl , Assistant Professor
University of Toronto-Scarborough
Department of Social Sciences

Iza Hussin, Assistant Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Legal Studies

Rosazman Hussin, Associate Professor
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
School of Social Sciences

Paul Hutchcroft, Professor
Australian National University
Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs

Richard Hutchinson, Assistant Professor
Louisiana Tech University
Department of Social Sciences

Alex Huynh, Lecturer
University of Waterloo
Social Development Studies

TAISIK HWANG, Assistant Professor
Suffolk University
Department of Advertising, Public Relations & Social Media

Sally E. Hyatt, Assistant Professor
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Department of Counselor Education

Michael Hyde, Lecturer
Victoria University
School of Social Sciences

Treisha Hylton, Adjunct Instructor
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities


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