Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

20602 members found

Amanda A Dykema-Engblade, Associate Professor
Northeastern Illinois University
Department of Psychology

James Dykes, Associate Professor
University of Texas, San Antonio
Department of Psychology

Jana Beth Dykstra, Lecturer
Purdue University
Department of Psychological Sciences

Ben Dyson, Associate Professor
University of Alberta
Department of Psychology

Jennifer Dyson, Assistant Professor
Sterling College, Kansas
Department of Psychology

Vida B. Dyson, Professor
Adler School of Professional Psychology
Department of Psychology

Jane Dywan, Professor
Brock University
Department of Psychology

Ehtibar N. Dzhafarov, Professor
Purdue University
Department of Psychological Sciences

Peta Dzidic, Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology

Lori D’Angelo, Instructor
Case Western Reserve University
Department of Psychology

Niralli D’Costa, Adjunct Professor
John F. Kennedy University
Department of Psychology

Anthony D’Urso, Associate Professor
Montclair State University
Department of Psychology

Sarah Eagan, Assistant Professor
Worcester State College
Department of Psychology

Alice Eagly, Professor
University of Western Ontario
Department of Psychology

Deborah K. Eakin, Assistant Professor
Mississippi State University
Department of Psychology


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