Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

20602 members found

Emily Dove
Radford University
Department of Psychology

Meredith Dove, Lecturer
Providence College
Department of Psychology

Natalie Dove, Associate Professor
Eastern Michigan University
Department of Psychology

TESSA DOVER, Assistant Professor
Portland State University
Department of Psychology

Dennis Doverspike, Professor
University of Akron
Department of Psychology

Dennis Doverspike, Adjunct Professor
George Mason University
Department of Psychology

William Doverspike, Professor
Emory University
Department of Psychology

Kristen Dovgan, Assistant Professor
Marist College
Department of Psychology

John Dovidio, Professor
Yale University
Department of Psychology

Patrice Dow-Nelson, Professor
New Jersey City University
Department of Psychology

E. Thomas Dowd, Professor
Kent State University
Department of Psychology

Emily Dowgwillo, Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of Psychology

Carey Bernini Dowling, Clinical Associate Professor
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Department of Psychology

John Dowling, Adjunct Professor
Antioch University New England
Department of Clinical Psychology

Nicki Dowling, Associate Professor
Deakin University
School of Psychology


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