Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

20602 members found

Julieta Dikova, Instructor
University of Alberta
Department of Psychology

David DiLillo, Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Department of Psychology

Daniel D. Dilks, Assistant Professor
Emory University
Department of Psychology

Charles A. Dill, Professor
Hofstra University
Department of Psychology

Jody Dill, Professor
Fielding Graduate University
Department of Psychology

Crystal Dillard, Professor
University of Alabama
Department of Psychology

Summer Dillard, Adjunct Professor
Mount St. Mary's University
Department of Psychology

James Diller, Professor
Eastern Connecticut State University
Department of Psychological Science

Moira Dillon, Assistant Professor
New York University
Department of Psychology

Ronna Dillon, Professor
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Department of Psychology

Terry DiLorenzo, Associate Professor
Yeshiva University
Department of Psychology

Rachel Dilts, Instructor
Oregon State University
Department of Psychology

Janean Dilworth-Bart, Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department of Psychology

Julie DiMatteo, Adjunct Professor
William Paterson University
Department of Psychology

University of California, Riverside
Department of Psychology


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