Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

20602 members found

Laura Diaz, Adjunct Instructor
Concordia University
Department of Psychology

Vanessa Diaz
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Department of Psychology

Jaime L. Diaz-Granados, Associate Professor
Baylor University
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Ana Diaz-LePage, Adjunct Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Psychology

Mariana Diaz-Wionczek, Adjunct Professor
New York University
Department of Psychology

Patricia Marten DiBartolo, Professor
Smith College
Department of Psychology

Amy DiBattista, Associate Professor
University of New Hampshire
Department of Psychology

David DiBattista, Professor
Brock University
Department of Psychology

ANGELO DIBELLO, Assistant Professor
Queens College
Department of Psychology

Boston University
Department of Psychology

Rosemarie DiBiase, Associate Professor
Suffolk University
Department of Psychology

William J Dibiase, Professor
Cabrini College
Department of Psychology

Frank DiCataldo, Professor
Roger Williams University
Department of Psychology

Erin McConnell DiCesare, Adjunct Professor
Nazareth College
Department of Psychology

Anthony Dick, Associate Professor
Florida International University
Department of Psychology


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