Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

20602 members found

Joseph Cubells, Associate Professor
Emory University
Department of Psychology

Alexandru F. Cuc, Associate Professor
Nova Southeastern University
Department of Psychological Studies

John Cuda, Adjunct Professor
Point Park University
Department of Psychology

Maria Cuddy-Casey, Professor
Immaculata University
Department of Psychology and Counseling

Maria Cuddy-Casey, Professor
Immaculata University
Department of Psychology and Counseling

Jim Cuellar, Professor
Indiana University, Bloomington
Department of Psychology

Lorilene L. Cuevas, Instructor
Northeastern Illinois University
Department of Psychology

Elena C. Cuffari, Assistant Professor
Franklin and Marshall College
Department of Psychology

Steven Cuffari, Adjunct Professor
Vanguard University of Southern California
Department of Psychology

Marilyn Cugnetto, Adjunct Professor
La Trobe University
Department of Psychology

Kelly Cukrowicz, Associate Professor
Texas Tech University
Department of Psychology

Kristen Culbert, Assistant Professor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Department of Psychology

Jody Culham, Assistant Professor
University of Western Ontario
Department of Psychology

Maura Cullen, Professor
New Jersey City University
Department of Psychology

Paula Cullen, Professor
Ohio State University
Department of Ps


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