Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

20602 members found

Erin Conwell, Professor
North Dakota State University
Department of Psychology

Alana Cook, Adjunct Professor
Simon Fraser University
Department of Psychology

Ann Cook, Research Professor
University of Montana
Department of Psychology

Carmen Cook, Assistant Professor
Metropolitan State University
Department of Psychology

Corey L. Cook, Associate Professor
Pacific Lutheran University
Department of Psychology

Edwin W. Cook, Associate Professor
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Department of Psychology

Emily Cook, Professor
Rhode Island College
Department of Psychology

Jeffrey H. Cook, Assistant Professor
Uniformed Services Universty of the Health Sciences
Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology

Jonathan Cook, Assistant Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of Psychology

Kate Cook, Lecturer
University of Canterbury
Department of Psychology

Kaye Cook, Professor
Gordon College
Department of Psychology

Melloni Cook, Assistant Professor
University of Memphis
Department of Psychology

Nathan Cook, Instructor
University of Rhode Island
Department of Psychology

Nathan E. Cook, Adjunct Professor
Roger Williams University
Department of Psychology

Niles T. Cook, Adjunct Professor
Pacific University
School of Graduate Psychology


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