Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

20602 members found

Paul T. Cirino, Research Assistant Professor
University of Houston
Department of Psychology

Dawn Cisewski, Associate Professor
University of New Hampshire
Department of Psychology

Dean Cisler, Research Assistant Professor
George Mason University
Department of Psychology

Eduardo Cisneros, Lecturer
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Department of Psychology

Kristin Henkel Cistulli, Associate Professor
University of Saint Joseph
Department of Psychology

Richard Clément, Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Psychology

ERIN CLABOUGH, Associate Professor
University of Virginia
Department of Psychology

Bethany Claes, Associate Professor
Roberts Wesleyan College
Department of Psychology

Scott Claessens, Lecturer
University of Auckland
Department of Psychology

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Department of Psychology

Dragana Claflin, Adjunct Associate Professor
Miami University of Ohio
Department of Psychology

Dragana Ivkovich Claflin, Associate Professor
Wright State University
Department of Psychology

Mark Alan Clair, Assistant Professor
Azusa Pacific University
Department of Psychology

Ruta M Clair, Assistant Professor
Cabrini College
Department of Psychology

Mary Clair-Michaud, Assistant Professor
University of Rhode Island
Department of Psychology


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