Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

20602 members found

Ruth B. Church, Emeritus Professor
Northeastern Illinois University
Department of Psychology

Jessica Church-Lang, Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Austin
Department of Psychology

Douglas L. Chute, Professor
Drexel University
Department of Psychology

Robert Cialdini, Professor
Arkansas State University, Beebe
Department of Psychology

Vivian Ciaramitaro, Associate Professor
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Department of Psychology

Natalie Ciarocco, Professor
Monmouth University
Department of Psychology

Marie Ciavarella, Adjunct Professor
George Mason University
Department of Psychology

Mikaela Cibich, Lecturer
Flinders University
School of Psychology

Roni Cibischino, Adjunct Professor
Rowan University
Department of Psychology

George A. Cicala, Professor Emeritus
University of Delaware
Department of Psychology

Angela Ciccia, Associate Professor
Case Western Reserve University
Department of Psychology

Melinda Ciccocioppo, Lecturer
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Psychology

Natalie Ciccone, Senior Lecturer
Edith Cowan University
School of Psychology

David Cicero, Associate Professor
University of North Texas
Department of Psychology

Patrick Cicero, Adjunct Professor
Messiah College
Department of Psychology


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