Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

20602 members found

Emily Canner, Research Professor
Florida State University
Department of Psychology

Elizabeth Canning, Assistant Professor
Washington State University
Department of Psychology

Brooke Cannon, Professor
Marywood University
Department of Psychology

Constance Cannon, Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Department of Psychology

Jessie Aileen Cannon, Research Assistant Professor
George Mason University
Department of Psychology

Joan Cannon, Associate Professor
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Department of Psychology

Peter Cannon, Lecturer
Massey University
School of Psychology

Harmony Cano, Adjunct Professor
Pacific Oaks College
School of Cultural and Family Psychology

Luisa Cañon, Lecturer
University of Nevada, Reno
Department of Psychology

Jonathan Cant, Associate Professor
University of Toronto
Department of Psychology

Raquel A. Cantacessi, Assistant Professor
Hope International University
College of Psychology and Counseling;

University of Barcelona (Ub.Es)
Departament de Personalitat, Avaluació i Tractament Psicològic

Claudio Cantalupo, Assistant Professor
Clemson University
Department of Psychology

Michael Cantinotti, Professor
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Department of Psychology

Jessica Cantlon, Associate Professor
Carnegie Mellon University
Department of Psychology


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