Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

20602 members found

Scott Brandhorst, Instructor
Southeast Missouri State University
Department of Psychology and Counseling

John Brandi, Professor
New Jersey City University
Department of Psychology

Dwayne T. Brandon, Associate Professor
North Carolina Central University
Department of Psychology

Melissa Brandon, Assistant Professor
Bridgewater State University
Department of Psychology

Amanda C. Brandone, Professor
Lehigh University
Department of Psychology

Allison Brandt, Instructor
Pacific University
School of Professional Psychology

Mark Brandt, Assistant Professor
Michigan State University
Department of Psychology

Stephan Brandt, Professor
CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College
Department of Psychology

David Brang, Assistant Professor
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Department of Psychology

Debi Brannan, Adjunct Professor
Pacific University
School of Graduate Psychology

Deborah Brannan, Adjunct Instructor
Portland State University
Department of Psychology

Laurie Brannan
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Department of Psychology

Michael Brannick, Professor
University of South Florida, Tampa
Department of Psychology

Elizabeth M. Brannon, Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Psychology

Laura Brannon, Professor
Kansas State University
Department of Psychology


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