Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

2151 members found

Amanda Tumblin, Lecturer
California State University, Bakersfield
Department of Human Development, and Child, Adolescent, and Family Studies

Tracie Tung, Assistant Professor
California State University, Northridge
Department of Family Consumer Sciences

Charles Turner, Assistant Professor
University of Louisville
Kent School of Social Work

Lee Turner, Adjunct Professor
Pacific Oaks College
School of Cultural and Family Psychology

Lue Turner, Assistant Professor
Empire State College
Department of Child & Family Studies

Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, Associate Lecturer
University of British Columbia
School of Social Work and Family Studies

University of Wyoming
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

INTISAR TYNE, Assistant Professor
Texas State University-San Marcos
School of Family and Consumer Sciences

Melanie Uggen, Visiting Instructor
University of Southern Mississippi
School of Child and Family Sciences

BARRY UNDERHILL, Assistant Professor
Texas State University-San Marcos
School of Family and Consumer Sciences

Donald G Unger, Emeritus Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Human Development and Family Sciences

Gregory Unruh, Associate Professor
George Mason University
Department of Human Development and Family Science

Jennifer Urban, Professor
Montclair State University
Department of Family Science and Human Development

Debra Valencia-Laver, Lecturer
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Department of Psychology and Child Development

Jamie L Valenzuela-Mumau, Adjunct Professor
Pacific Oaks College
School of Cultural and Family Psychology


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