Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4615 members found

Elizabeth Winthrop, Associate Professor
Endicott College
School of Social Sciences, Communication & Humanities

Forrest G. Wisely, Associate Professor
Illinois State University
Department of Communication

Matthew Wisla, Instructor
University of Alabama
College of Communication and Information Sciences

Lauren Wispe, Emeritus Professor
University of Oklahoma
Department of Communication

Kent Wissinger, Adjunct Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Communication

Patricia Witherspoon, Professor
University of Texas, El Paso
Department of Communication

Gwen Wittenbaum, Associate Professor
Michigan State University
Department of Communication

Michael J. Woeste, Assistant Professor
University of Cincinnati
Department of Communication

William Wohl, Adjunct Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Communication

James J. Wojcik, Associate Professor
Central Michigan University
Department of Journalism

Bartosz Wojdynski, Assistant Professor
University of Georgia
Department of Journalism

Joyce Wolburg, Associate Professor
Marquette University
College of Communication

TODD WOLD, Adjunct Professor
North Central University
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences & Communication Arts

Dylan Wolfe, Assistant Professor
Clemson University
Department of Communication Studies

MARK WOLFE, Adjunct Professor
Rutgers University
Department of Communication


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