Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4615 members found

Philippe Theophanidis, Assistant Professor
York University
Graduate Programme in Communication & Culture

Christine Thoër, Professor
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Social and Public Communication

Chad Thomas, Lecturer
University of North Dakota
School of Communication

Douglas Thomas, Associate Professor
University of Southern California
School of Communication

Jennifer Thomas, Assistant Professor
Howard University
Department of Journalism

Lindsey Thomas, Assistant Professor
Illinois State University
Department of Communication

MenYon Thomas, Professor
Kent State University
School of Communication Studies

Neal Thomas, Assistant Professor
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Department of Communication Studies

Pradip Thomas, Associate Professor
The University of Queensland
School of Journalism & Communication

Pradip Thomas, Associate Professor
University of Queensland
School of Journalism and Communication

Candice Thomas-Maddox, Professor
Ohio University
School of Communication Studies

Frank M. Thompson, Associate Professor
University of Alabama
Department of Communication Studies

Ryan V. Thompson, Instructor
West Virginia University
Department of Communication Studies

Shawn Thompson, Assistant Professor
Thompson Rivers University
School of Journalism

Stephanie Thompson, Professor
Kent State University
School of Communication Studies


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