Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4615 members found

Sheryl Swingley, Instructor
Ball State University
Department of Journalism

Nathan Swords, Adjunct Instructor
Western Michigan University
Department of Communication

George Sylvie, Associate Professor
University of Texas at Austin
School of Journalism

MARCELLA SZABLEWICZ, Associate Professor
Pace University
Department of Communication Studies

Daniel Szafir, Professor
University of Colorado at Boulder
School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Danielle Albers Szafir, Assistant Professor
University of Colorado at Boulder
School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Tomasz Tabako , Assistant Professor
Georgia State University
Department of Communication

Kristina Tabor, Adjunct Professor
University of Cincinnati
Department of Communication

Rich Taflinger, Senior Instructor
Washington State University
Edward R. Murrow School of Communication

Molly Taggart, Professor
Kent State University
School of Communication Studies

Zixue Tai, Associate Professor
University of Kentucky
College of Communications and Information Studies

Alice A. Tait, Professor
Central Michigan University
Department of Journalism

Bruno Takahashi, Assistant Professor
Michigan State University
School of Journalism

Nurit Tal-Or, Lecturer
University of Haifa
Department of Communication

Jennifer Talbert
Ohio University
School of Communication Studies


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