Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4615 members found

Pamela Sneed, Adjunct Professor
Long Island University
Department of Journalism

Francesca Soans, Associate Professor
University of Northern Iowa
Department of Communication Studies

Scott Sochay, Associate Professor
Bethel University
Department of Communication Studies

Michael J. Socolow, Professor
University of Maine
Department of Communication and Journalism

Michael Soha, Senior Lecturer
University of New Hampshire
Department of Communication

Ardyth Broadrick Sohn, Professor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
The Hank Greenspun School of Communication

Heather Solberg, Instructor
South Dakota State University
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

Lawrence Soley, Professor
Marquette University
College of Communication

John Soliday, Associate Professor
University of Miami
School of Communication

University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
Department of Communication Studies

Yevgeniya Solodovnikova, Instructor
Washington State University
Edward R. Murrow School of Communication

University of Maryland, College Park
College of Journalism

Stephen D. Solomon, Professor
New York University
Department of Journalism

William Solomon, Associate Professor
Rutgers University
Department of Journalism and Media Studies

John Soloski, Professor
University of Georgia
Department of Journalism


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