Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4615 members found

Carol Schwalbe, Associate Professor
University of Arizona
Department of Journalism

Steve Schwarze, Assistant Professor
University of Montana
Department of Communication Studies

James J Schwoch, Associate Professor
University of Western Ontario
School of Communication

Christine Scodari, Associate Professor
Florida Atlantic University
Department of Communication

Jeffrey Sconce, Associate Professor
University of Western Ontario
School of Communication

Julie Scott, Professor
University of Idaho, Moscow
School of Journalism and Mass Media

Karen Scott, Adjunct Instructor
University of Alabama
College of Communication and Information Sciences

Karla Danette Scott, Professor
Saint Louis University
Department of Communication

Kelly Scott, Lecturer
University of Northern Colorado
Department of Journalism and Mass Communications

Robert L. Scott, Professor Emeritus
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Department of Communication Studies

Ronald B. Scott, Associate Professor
Miami University of Ohio
Department of Comunication

Joseph Scudder, Associate Professor
Northern Illinois University
Department of Communication

Anne Sears, Adjunct Professor
Boston College
Department of Communication

Mark Secrist, Associate Professor
University of Idaho, Moscow
School of Journalism and Mass Media

Harmony Sedgwick-Hazard, Instructor
Pima Community College District
Department of Communication


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