Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4615 members found

Allissa Richardson, Assistant Professor
University of Southern California
School of Journalism

Brian Richardson, Assistant Professor
University of North Texas
Department of Communication Studies

Virginia P. Richmond, Professor
West Virginia University
Department of Communication Studies

Claus Peter Richter, Assistant Professor
University of Western Ontario
School of Communication

Laura N. Rickard, Associate Professor
University of Maine
Department of Communication and Journalism

William Rickert, Professor
Wright State University
Department of Communication

Maria Del Carmen Rico Menge, Associate Professor
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Social and Public Communication

George Ridge, Emeritus Professor
University of Arizona
Department of Journalism

Richard D. Rieke, Professor
University of Utah
Department of Communication

Wendy Riemann, Adjunct Professor
George Washington University
Department of Communication

Sarah Riforgiate, Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Department of Communication

Enrique D. Rigsby, Lecturer
Texas A&M University - College Station
Department of Communication

Patricia Riley, Associate Professor
University of Southern California
School of Communication

Sam Riley, Professor
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Department of Communication

Jeff Ringer
Saint Cloud State University
Department of Communication Studies


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