Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4615 members found

Jeannine Relly, Assistant Professor
University of Arizona
Department of Journalism

Jerry Renaud, Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
College of Journalism and Mass Communications

Lise Renaud, Emeritus Professor
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Social and Public Communication

Stephen Rendahl, Associate Professor
University of North Dakota
School of Communication

ROSSI RENNA, Adjunct Instructor
Kent State University
School of Communication Studies

Garth Rennie, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Windsor
Department of Communication Studies

Kathleen Donohue Rennie, Associate Professor
Seton Hall University
Department of Communication

Scott Rensberger, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Maryland, College Park
College of Journalism

Terry Rentner, Assistant Professor
Bowling Green State University
Department of Journalism

Joan R. Rentsch, Professor
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
School of Communication Studies

Angelo Restivo, Associate Professor
Georgia State University
Department of Communication

Beecher Reuning, Assistant Professor
Lee University
Department of Communication Arts

Berte Reyes, Instructor
Pima Community College District
Department of Communication

Charles Reyes, Lecturer
Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis
Department of Communication Studies

Edward Reynolds, Senior Lecturer
University of New Hampshire
Department of Communication


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